✨Word of Wonder #4 Bliss✨
Title: Legacy: Crafting a Meaningful Story Content: Personal reflections on the significance of choices, honor, and leaving behind a meaningful legacy.

Hey there, wonderful members of the Perfectly Average community! It's time for another exciting edition of "Word of the Week." This week, we'll be diving deep into the realm of emotions and exploring the word "bliss."
I'm sorry, I am being a bit selfish this week, as I picked my own word. This word had been on my mind this whole passed week so I thought I'd expel it through expression. There are two more words in the Pipeline "Magnanimous" from perfectly average Brandi M. and "Freedom" from perfectly average Stephanie D. I have been thinking deeply about both of these words and cannot wait to explore them with all of you. For now, I hope you enjoy this week's word. Bliss.
A Moment in Time
When I first think of the word bliss there is a real life memory that is engraved in my mind and in my soul. I should like to share that memory with you now. My youngest child, and my only boy was still just a little babe. He was just learning to inch his way across the floor with a bit of encouragement from my girls, his two older sister cheering him on, you could almost see my little boy absorbing their excited energy as he huffed excitedly, with each passing strand of carpet he was actually getting somewhere. Slowly yes, but most assuredly. Then there was his Mama, her hands were curled into fists and resting on her hips, she was balancing on one leg as she was using her other set of toes to prod along my boy's "object of desire," which prompted our boy to move evermore closer to it. As I looked on, I too absorbed the energy in the room; I took in the whole scene for a moment. The smiles, giggles, and excitement from my daughters. The moment of thrill my boy was currently experiencing full of excited short huffs of outward breath. Then his mama again; my wife. Her smile was alight with joy, her eyes shown like a lighthouse in a mist. She was full of pride. She was beautiful, absolutely stunning. This whole moment was beauty. It was perfection, all the trials and tribulations of life had lined up perfectly in this moment. For me, it was bliss.
Bliss is a word that instantly ignites a spark of happiness within me. It conjures up feelings of pure joy, contentment, and a sense of utter fulfillment. Just saying the word "bliss" feels warm, comforting and serene. So, let's take a moment to savor the essence of bliss and discover what it truly means to each of us.
Defining Bliss
Bliss is a state of profound happiness, a moment of absolute pleasure, or a feeling of complete harmony with the universe. It's that elusive and magical feeling that sweeps over us, leaving us with a sense of overwhelming joy and peace. It's not just happiness; it's happiness multiplied, intensified, and elevated to a higher plane.
Bliss can be found in the simplest of things—a breathtaking sunset, laughter with friends, the feeling of sand between your toes on a beach, or savoring your favorite dessert. It's the joy in the journey and the beauty in the small moments that add up to create a life filled with bliss.
Grandma Judy
These little moments of joy are what add up and make a life complete. Oddly enough I first had this thought in a time of complete sadness. This passed winter my grandmother left this world, and rejoined her father, and son who art in heaven. You couldn't find a single person on earth or in heaven that could justly accuse Grandma Judy of having an easy life. In fact it is in no small part thanks to grandma Judy that I absolutely know how strong Women actually are. For a man, physical strength comes much easier than for a woman. Generally speaking, we can run faster, jump higher, and lift heavier. Women however, have it tougher, as their strength comes from grit and willpower. Theirs' is a strength of the mind and the emotional being. Men are weak in this way, this is why we choose stoicism, it's much easier to hide from emotion than to confront it. "Ignorance is bliss," seems to be true enough for men, and was coined by Thomas Gray- a man.
Grandma Judy had no shortness of adversities, but I truly believe she did the best with whatever she had. My grandma could have been an engineer in a different life, she had such a talent to "work it out." It's one of her qualities that I hope to emulate throughout my life. May this part of her legacy, become part of mine, and may it be passed from generation to generation. Amen.
If something was broken, Just give grandma access to your, "junk drawer," screw driver, and maybe some duct tape; and I assure you, she would work it out. I don't know if this was a quality that was simply innate to Grandma. I believe the capacity for such was innate in nature, but the talent was sharpened out of necessity. I am very proud to be of her lineage.
Sometimes, we may feel like bliss is unattainable or fleeting, but it's crucial to remember that it's not just an external experience. True bliss can be cultivated from within, through self-awareness, gratitude, and embracing the present moment.
The Pursuit of Bliss
In our pursuit of bliss, we often look for external validations or achievements, thinking they will bring us happiness. While achievements can be rewarding, true bliss comes from living authentically and aligning our actions with our values.
So after, Grandma passed away I was asked by my mother and my aunt to speak at my Grandma's funeral. I was honored to do so. My speaking portion would involve me reading or sharing an aggregate of my loved one's memories of my Grandma. It was an honor that I took seriously; so the night before I found myself going over all the memories that had been passed to me. As I was reading them I realized something. Every one of these moments that everyone had chosen to share were just brief moments in an entire lifetime. However, it is the culmination of these moments that defined my grandmother's legacy in the eyes off all the people that she created. So many of those moments reflected the imagery of grandma's wide smile and shining eyes. They included stories of baked bread and beans, to the pandemonious event when she scooped up my cousin and I to show us two monster trucks that were parked at the local grocer. It struck me that these little moments are the pieces that chisel out the shape of one's life. These little moments of bliss create a full life. Regardless of the hardships that Grandma Judy endured, she brought forth these moments of joy for all of us and for herself. Grandma Judy made a complete life.
All too often in life these little moments are looked over; I think because these are the moments of most ease in life. This is the case at least for me. I tend to have a problem of letting my anxieties dictate my moods; It is something that I have just barely began to confront as if it were a chain holding me back. I'm trying to take moments as they are, and find the joy in them so that I can not only look back on bliss, but also, exist in the exact moment in which the bliss was manifest. Ultimate bliss may only come at periodic occasions; so being mindfully vigilant of such occasions that sprout mini moments of joy may more often develop into these blissful moments.
I encourage all of you to take a moment each day to practice mindfulness, to appreciate the little joys around you, and to let go of expectations that hold you back from experiencing bliss. Embrace the imperfections, cherish the connections with others, and find happiness in the journey of self-discovery.
Bliss in Simplicity:Bliss doesn't have to be grand or extravagant. It can be found in the most ordinary moments. It's the warmth of a cup of tea on a rainy day, the sound of raindrops on the window, or the sight of a flower blooming in your garden.
Let's remind ourselves to slow down and savor these moments, for they are the threads that weave together the tapestry of our lives.
Creating Blissful Moments:As we cherish the blissful moments in our lives, let's also remember to be the catalyst for others' bliss. Simple acts of kindness, a warm smile, or lending a listening ear can bring immense joy to someone else's day.
Bliss as a State of Mind:Bliss is not just a fleeting emotion; it can become a state of mind. It's about embracing the present, letting go of worries, and finding contentment within ourselves.
In the pursuit of our dreams, let's not forget to savor the journey and find bliss in the process. Life is a series of fleeting moments, and the secret lies in making each moment count.
Bliss is a precious gem that resides within each one of us. It's the culmination of all the things that fill our hearts with joy, love, and fulfillment. Let's cherish the blissful moments, create more of them for ourselves and others, and embrace life with open minds and open hearts. As it is my belief that 'moments' are our spiritual currency. So invest wisely.
Thank you all for being part of this journey of exploring the word "bliss." I hope you'll take some time this week to reflect on what brings you true bliss and how you can infuse more of it into your lives.
Remember, each day is an opportunity to find bliss in the ordinary and to celebrate the extraordinary moments that make life truly magical.
Wishing you all a week filled with bliss and happiness!
With gratitude and love,
Average Benjamin