Words of Wonder

Explore your favorite words! Grow your vocabulary, and contribute to the perfectly average community with your fan submissions.
✨Word of Wonder #4 Bliss✨

This article delves into the concept of "bliss" through personal anecdotes and reflections. It explores how bliss is found in simple moments, the importance of cherishing these moments, and how to cultivate bliss within oneself and others.
✨Word of Wonder #3 Legacy✨

The article explores the concept of legacy, inspired by a quote emphasizing the importance of choices in life. Through personal reflections, it delves into the idea of leaving behind a meaningful legacy through honorable actions and moral values. The author contemplates the impact of one's choices on their legacy and shares anecdotes to illustrate the significance of honor and integrity in shaping one's life story.
✨Word Of Wonder #2 Hyper-Focus

The article discusses the concept of hyper-focus, likening it to a superpower with both positive and negative aspects. It explores personal experiences with hyper-focus, detailing stages from initial interest to potential obsession and manic behavior. Through anecdotes and reflections, the author delves into the impact of hyper-focus on creativity, productivity, and mental health. The article concludes with a call for readers to share their own experiences and insights on the topic.
✨ Word Of wonder#1 "Blurry"

This week's Word of Wonder (W0W) is a poetic reflection on finding clarity amidst life's storms, using a forest setting as a metaphor. It emphasizes the importance of making small adjustments to gain focus